A new Electrical App with functionalities not available in Revit

Electrical Schematics in Revit. Do you remember the moment that you went to a conference or fair and was surprised about a certain tool or App you did not hear off before? An App that is almost self-explanatory by mentioning the App name? Here you have it, the Stabiplan Electrical Schematics App for Revit.

This Electrical Schematics for Revit plugin helps you to get an overview of all your electrical systems in your project. You can create a generic electrical schematic, which is not possible in Revit or other software. The App shows systems like communications, fire control and many more. It gives you a clear overview of the physical location of panels (see on which floor a panel is located). The most relevant info about your consumers is available within the schematic. Even your own drafting actions on the schematic are saved during a model update. 

Relevant for all Revit users globally
Who should consider trying this App for Revit? Well, everyone working with Revit in the electrical domain. The app works seamlessly in all Revit projects, both in plain Revit 2016 to 2018 and third-party software such as Stabicad.

Free trial
The Stabiplan Electrical Schematics App can be downloaded on store.mepcontent.com. Get free access for one week to the full functionalities of this App. The App will save you a lot of time and helps you get a clear overview of your main panels and sub panels.