Centrala robustă Remeha Gas 220 Ace disponibilă acum pe MEPcontent

Remeha introduces the GAS 220 Ace, a compact and flexible boiler for the utility. This powerful boiler is big in warmth and delivers up to 300 kW with a footprint of only half a square meter. Modelers who want to place the Gas 220 Ace in a BIM project easily download the Revit family on MEPcontent.com.

Do you want to discover the Gas Ace 220 from outside and inside? During the SUM (StabiCAD User Meeting) this boiler is presented in a unique way: participants discover the powerful performance and easy maintenance through a virtual-reality presentation.

About the Remeha Gas 220 Ace
Besides compact and powerful, the GAS 220 Ace is known for its intelligence and economical operation. In addition, the devices are fully prepared for remote communication and management. The GAS 220 Ace is the first boiler for the utility that will be provided with the new Predictive Maintenance service.