Automatically optimize your sanitary systems in Revit

BIM engineers drawing sanitary or sewerage systems in Revit, this one is for you! The Ostendorf Product Line Placer app for Revit has been equipped with a very convenient functionality: the ‘Optimize Functionality’. This functionality, not available in plain Revit, will help you to set preferred solutions for many scenarios within your sanity system.

The new optimizer functionality allows you to define the kind of solution you want for different scenarios and with a single click, your entire system is instantly optimized!
Save time by having the App automatically optimize your system based on your settings; no need to set up each fitting individually

The Sanitary drawing preferences dialog allows you to choose your preferred solution for each scenario. The choice you make regarding the angle of the tee affects the solution that is displayed for reducing branches, which makes it easier to have a complete customized solution for your pipe’s connections.

After setting the optimization settings, click Set to apply the settings. Moreover, you can check the option Remember as defaults to conveniently reuse your defined preferences.
Having defined your drawing preferences, you can start optimizing the system by using the Optimize autorouting function located in the same dropdown menu. Start the function, select a part of an autorouting system to optimize or select the lowest point in an autorouting system. All autorouting fittings will be adjusted according to the chosen preferences.

Download the app from the MEPcontent store.